It’s fawn season at Berry, the weather is gorgeous, and all you can think about is hiking to the old mill or the reservoir(and accidently falling into the water).  The sun doesn’t go down until after eight o’clock, so by the time you get around to studying it’s midnight.   It’s hard to keep your mind on studying in the summer isn’t it? 

Below are a few tips on managing your time successfully this summer.  The secret to time management is not depriving yourself but making sure you plan time for everything. 

3 angus cows look at fawn

Is this one of ours, Bessie? Picture taken by Berry student Jessica Crumbley

1. Identify the best time for you to get the most from your study: Know your high and low periods of attention and concentration [“morning person” vs. “night person”]. Study during your “power” times; use the down times for routines such as laundry, exercise and errands. 

2. Study your hardest subjects first: You can process information more quickly when your mind is fresh and, as a result, save time. 

3. Study in shorter blocks of time with short breaks between to avoid fatigue and wasted time. While you’re taking your break, your brain continues to process the information. 

4. Study in surroundings conducive to studying to reduce distractions that waste time. 

5. Try combining activities: Take your class notes along when you do your laundry. While waiting in line for dinner, review your biology flashcards. 

6. Plan time for entertainment and relaxation to create balance in your life. 

7. Make sure you get enough sleep and eat a well-balanced diet. 

Plan for work, plan for fun, and plan for study.